Finding the right lead generation tool, or indeed the right combination of lead generation tools can be difficult. It is especially difficult when there are so many tools out there with so many applications, algorithms and variations in effect. Where do you start? Well, hopefully, we can give you some ideas here.
So, you are about to dive in and snap up a new lead generation tool. But before you do ask yourself these questions…
What is the level of visitors to your website already (leads) and what activity is driving them to your website (lead generation)?
There is a belief in lead generation that you have a glut of hidden customers engaging with your business, they are interested, but they aren’t buying. It is virtually impossible to glean live information about who is using your site without a lead generation tool, like Lead Forensics, for example, to dig up this information for you.
Lead Forensics can catch up with these users in a couple of ways. If the users are new, fresh leads, the tool can alert you, and after that can quite easily research the company of origin and the correct person to open communications with. Alternatively, if a web hit comes from a consumer that you have already engaged, you can track to see when they are on your website and what they looked at, which gives you some vital insider information to get ahead and approach the lead. But here’s the thing; you’ll need to work out the excuse for tracking down and engaging with them. The thing is, you must ask yourself, how can you better engage with prospective customers and still be natural about it?
Analysis is useful and interesting. The tool covers touchpoints within your website to resources, key niche services, blogs, white papers and products. This helps to see what is garnering interest on your site and what is not. What money you have spent well, and what you haven’t.
But, is the website traffic you are receiving big enough to justify the expense of a tool? This is an important question. This is what you have to weigh up before you take the plunge!