Create a communication plan for your customers to ensure that you know what to say, how to say it and when to say it.


Now you’re confident that you’ve established your target customer, they are going to be as excited as you are to find the right fit for their needs in your services. With that in mind, making a great first impression counts, so it’s important to talk their language. Making sure that you’re creating an excellent communication plan in place is the best way to achieve this.


A communication plan is a strategy in which you map out the best way to stay in contact with your customers. It’s a great way of maintaining customer loyalty and transforming leads into sales. It can come in many forms, such as social media posts, email updates, SMS updates, newsletters, and even website navigation. It delivers a personal form of contact directed to whichever stage of the buyer’s journey your customers are in.


When creating a communication plan, a few questions may come to mind:


Is the message/offer refined enough or do I need to reassess it? 

Is this the right word to use? Would using a diagram be a better way of explaining this?

Is this too much for the customer to read? Should I break this up over my website?

Am I waffling on or am I being too vague?

How do I keep my website visitors interested?


Sense checking your approach is a great way to feel comfortable in every step of your sales process (including post-sales). A top tip for this is to try communicating your products/services to a friend who doesn’t know much about your service. Ask them to tell you, in their own words, what they have understood about your business from your presentation. Have you over-explained it or have you under-explained it? This exercise can help give you a much stronger idea about what else you may need in order to successfully convey your offers. For example, an eye-catching image of a Christmas present will already begin to inform the customer that you’re advertising a Christmas offer.

Think about the whole sales process, not just new customers; your current and returning customers are just as important to this process. Have you ever re-introduced yourself to someone who you’ve already met? It’s pretty awkward. Building a communications plan will avoid running into this awkwardness with your customers. Returning customers already know who you are and what you offer, so providing quick reminders about your products/services and offers or anything new that you’re offering is a much better way of successfully keeping in contact. Maintaining a great communications relationship with your customers will keep them engaged, even when they aren’t purchasing anything at that moment.


Click here to find out how to keep your content on brand and keep your marketing on message.



Resources & extra reading:

Intelligent Targeting:
Complete a full business audit free from Intelligent Targeting


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Written by Tula Wild

Digital Marketing Manager with e-blueprint digital.


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